First off, ASLHS wants to thank you for all for those who participated our Logo Design Competition. Not only that, but also our wonderful judge Jenny Carpenter, a graphic designer. She is owner of silentBYTES design: and her passion project: @deafloveILY : She took the time to look through all the logo entries and selected top 3 winners for this competition. Thank you so much Jenny Carpenter!
Be sure to check out her instagram: @deafloveILY


Here are the description behind their logo:
1st place: Sydney Penders- I went for a simpler design that's straightforward, but I feel like it's still appealing in its simplicity. I went with a nice rich blue for its dominant color because I feel it evokes a calm and supportive tone that it is fitting for the organization. If anything was lacking, I'd say it's the surrounding text since it was free hand and I didn't want to use any fonts that might have some sort of ownership surrounding it.
2nd Place: Grace Keane- I wanted to incorporate and include everyone from any background to represent hands bringing together ASLHS. It means people from anywhere can always come together and participate in ASLHS as well as the Deaf community, as allies, friends, family and members.
3rd Place: Genevieve Miskines- The logo is two hands in the “h” handshape in red swirls. The two “h”s are meant to resemble the sign for “honor”, deriving from the honor society. The red symbolizes strength and matches the colors of the American Sign Language Honors Society
The 1st place logo will be used in all media – including online, print, on merchandise and other visual collateral. Winners will be contacted to receive prizes from ASLHS.
Again, Congratulations!
Be sure to check our February Newsletter for more information about our next competition which is ASL Lit Competition!