2019-2020 school year is over and we would love to have your feedback in order to help us improve our organization next school year. We want to ensure you receive the services to help your chapter next school year smooth as possible! Please fill out our google form.

MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - Beginning of cycle starts September 1st, 2020- August 31st 2021. Join at https://aslta.org/membership/
We are looking for a membership coordinator for the ASLHS board for 2020-21! If you are interested, please contact Christine Sharkey at aslhs@aslta.org for more information to join!

Membership is required for participation in any of our programs. Still interested joining ASLHS or know someone who’s interested? It’s not too late to join or renew your membership! Be sure to pay your dues at https://aslta.org/membership/. Pay either by mail or online. Membership starts from Sept. 1st to Aug. 31st. If you have any questions, contact aslhs@aslta.org
Congratulations to this year’s ASL 1 & 2 ASLHS Competition Winners!
1st place- "COVID-19" by Carras Grygiel from Southern Illinois University
2nd place-"The Cat & the Bird" by Lyn Shaffer from Kennedy Catholic High School
3rd place-"Summer Fun" by Christian Rose from Southern Illinois University
Honorable Mention-"Getting My Kitty" by Phynix Huhn Simmons from Southern Illinois University
ASLHS Literature Competition certificates have been mailed to all ASL teachers, including tracking numbers, which have been emailed to individual teachers. Thank you to the 18 high school and universities that participated in this year's ASLHS Literature Competition! We remain strong in advocating and teaching ASL through a difficult year. Thank you!
Congratulations to this year’s ASL 3 & Above ASLHS Competition Winners!
1st Place-"Harriet" by Jessica Dyson from Sinclair Community College
2nd Place-"Dirty DVD" by Caroline Baumann from Oak Park High School
3rd Place-"Ballerina" by Reilly Wolff from St. Francis University
Honorable Mention-"Donut Time" by Macy Newell from Sinclair Community College

Want to be featured in our future newsletters?
We are looking for:
-Teachers that deserve to be recognized. Nomination form here
-Students who works hard in your ASLHS chapter and ASLHS sponsor believe student should receive the recognition. Nomination form here
-Classroom highlight- show what your ASLHS chapter have been doing so far! Nomination form here
Please fill out the nomination form given above & have your ASLHS members to fill out social media consent form. Send the information to aslhs.pr@aslta.org. Check out the video here.
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American Sign Language Honor Society