We have reached over 200+ members! Thank you for your continued support during a tough school year. We love our members!
ASLHS Timeline 2021-2022 will be released August 2021 after ASLTA virtual conference. Stay tuned!!
MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - Beginning of cycle starts September 1st, 2021-August 31, 2022. Join at https://aslta.org/membership/
Graduation Orders: Closed. Thank you for those who ordered graduation materials this year!
Come join 2021 ASLTA Virtual Conference this summer!
When?: July 29 - August 1st, 2021

ASLHS will be coming to the ASLTA conference virtually from July 29- Aug 1st! Register and come join our presentation and learn more about what ASLHS has to offer! This is a great opportunity for you to network and of course, enter some giveaway prizes! Hope to see you there!
Attending the ASLTA Virtual Conference? Join ASL Honor Society for two summer virtual events.
Friday, July 30th @ 7:30pm (EST)- ASLHS Goody Box Q&A. Meet with other ASLHS, receive a mailed box of free lessons and lots of ASL goodies. Limited to the first 50 participants. Cost is $25, register here-https://forms.gle/YbpGzejY8YJz7g498

Saturday, July 31st @ 3:00 (EST)- ASLHS Presentation. Free event for ASLTA Virtual Conference attendees. No need to register, zoom link will be shared as part of your conference registration.

Student Spotlight
School: Independence High School, Ohio

With Grant’s friendly, enthusiastic nature and his ability to establish a warm rapport with people of all levels, I can see why he is a trusted and valued member of our school community. Family is exceptionally important to Grant--kickball games with his little siblings, shopping sprees with his mom, cheering on the Ohio State football team with cousins. An appreciator of the fine arts, he enjoys photography, drawing and painting, and playing the piano. He is a three-year varsity letterman with the Independence High School swim team. He is the the Vice President of our school’s chapter of the ASL Honor Society.
Grant’s valuing of the Deaf World branches outside of our classroom. He understands the critical necessity of early language acquisition. When I was approached by a mother of a deaf three year old with cochlear implants to tutor her toddler, I knew Grant was the perfect fit. He has gone significantly beyond the scope of what was expected. What began as 15-minute zoom meetings a few times a week has been nurtured into a trusted relationship with his family. He has shown such responsibility and fostered such a connection that he now meets twice a week for a couple hours at a time. Weekly, this seventeen year old spends an afternoon playing on a playground with a toddler and wakes up early on Saturday morning to trapes around the zoo. Grant strives to provide these authentic language immersion experiences because he understands the profound impact of his opportunity to pour into this kiddo’s life and allow him to gain full access to a rich language--and they’re having fun while doing it.
ASLHS are very proud to have Grant Sears to be part of the Deaf/ASL community! Keep up the great work! Cheers!
Reminder: We officially established a private facebook group for your ASL Honor Society Members/Students to join! This will be a wonderful opportunity for your students to join, collaborate, network with other ASL students, share ideas on variety topics regarding ASLHS and so much more!

ASLHS Scholarship
Congratulations to 2020-2021 ASLHS Scholarship Winners!

Tess Ellis at Valdosta State University
Jessica Gyamfi at Liberty University
Kiana Goetze at Rochester Institute of Technology
Each recipient received $1,500 scholarship to their choice of school (listed above).
The ASLHS is proud to sponsor nationwide scholarships available to students majoring or minoring in ASL, Deaf Studies, Deaf Education, and Interpreter Preparation. Current ASL scholarship amounts range between $1,750.00 and $2,500.00 each. Scholarships are offered to students who will begin college in the fall or are currently enrolled. Applicants must have an active chapter of the ASLHS on campus to be eligible. No scholarships are awarded to students from campuses that are not members of ASLHS.
It's now time for a renewal or an opportunity to join American Sign Language Honor Society! Don't forget to renew your ASLTA and ASLHS membership fees if you haven't done so.
You are not a member but interested joining ASLHS or know someone who’s interested? It’s not too late to join! Be sure to pay your dues at https://aslta.org/membership/. Pay either by mail or online. Membership starts from Sept. 1st, 2021 to Aug. 31st, 2022. If you have any questions, contact aslhs@aslta.org. Here is the video with instruction on how to find the form and pay on ASLTA webpage.
Graduation orders are closed.

Thank you for those who ordered graduation materials this year.
Our goal is to have an online store for our graduation materials this August! Stay tuned about this! We are so excited about this opportunity!
ASLHS Teacher Grant
Have an ASL study project in mind related to your ASL classes and need financial assistance? ASL Honor Society offers up to $500 teacher grants for our ASL teachers throughout the year. We provide 3-5 award a year.
Appropriate uses for the ASL Honor Society Teacher Mini-Grant Program include, but are not limited to:
- Guest speaker fees
- ASL Festival / Deaf Awareness Weeks costs
- ASL-curriculum, supplies, or equipment
And more...
2020-2021 Winners:
Award 1: Congratulations to Roxann Barrera-Coffman for earning a $500 teacher grant to purchase ASL curriculum and support her school's ASL concert event! We LOVE supporting our ASLHS teachers.
Award 2: Congratulations to Nicole Gonet from Heritage High School for earning a $500 teacher grant to purchase technology to support innovation in her ASL classroom!
Award 3: Congratulations to ASL Teacher Stephanie Ochoa from Tuloso-Midway High School for earning a $500 curriculum grant from ASLHS
Award 4: Congratulations to Allyson Heymann from Sunlake High School for earning money for Deaf related movies from ASLHS!
Award 5: Congratulations to ASL teacher Denise Miller for earning $500 towards Curriculum materials!
Award 6: Congratulations to Michele Gachowski from Mercy High School for earning a grant from ASLHS for Deaf-related posters!
Congratulations for those who applied for ALSHS Teacher grant this school year! Applications are no longer accepted and will reopen until the next school year! Thank you!

Want to be featured in our future newsletters on our blog?
We are looking for:
-Teachers that deserve to be recognized. Nomination form here
-Students who works hard in your ASLHS chapter and ASLHS sponsor believe student should receive the recognition. Nomination form here
-Classroom highlight- show what your ASLHS chapter have been doing so far! Nomination form here
Please fill out the nomination form given above & have your ASLHS members to fill out social media consent form. Send the information to aslhs.pr@aslta.org. Check out the video here.
Follow Along
Have you followed us on social media? If not, be sure to follow us! We have ASL Honor Society Youtube Channel as well! Click here to subscribe our channel to receive updates of what’s going on in our ASLHS community. We already have almost 400 subscribers. Spread the news!
American Sign Language Honor Society