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August 2020 ASLHS Newsletter


  • Deaf Art Competition Deadline: Nov 1st, 2020 (more details to come)

  • ASL Literature Competition Deadline: April 1st, 2021 (more details to come)

  • ASLHS Logo Design Competition Deadline: Nov. 20th, 2020 (more details to come)



  • It's now time for a renewal or an opportunity to join American Sign Language Honor Society! Don't forget to renew your ASLTA and ASLHS membership fees!

  • You are not a member but interested joining ASLHS or know someone who’s interested? It’s not too late to join! Be sure to pay your dues at Pay either by mail or online. Membership starts from Sept. 1st to Aug. 31st. If you have any questions, contact Here is the video with instruction on how to find the form and pay on aslta webpage.


Want to be featured in our future newsletters on our blog?

We are looking for:

-Teachers that deserve to be recognized. Nomination form here

-Students who works hard in your ASLHS chapter and ASLHS sponsor believe student should receive the recognition. Nomination form here

-Classroom highlight- show what your ASLHS chapter have been doing so far! Nomination form here

Please fill out the nomination form given above & have your ASLHS members to fill out social media consent form. Send the information to Check out the video here.


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American Sign Language Honor Society



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