Here are some general questions & answers to help you have a smooth year with your American Sign Language Honor Society Chapter.
Question: Due to COVID-19, can I still run my ASLHS Chapter?
Yes! Remember, you are doing a lot of things virtually. You can host zoom or Google Meet ASLHS meetings, establish virtual events to allow students to meet their community service hours. Be creative on how you can utilize our services we offer for your ASL Honor Society members
Question: How do I become a member of ASLHS?
Membership is required for participation in any of our programs. Each member have to become an ASLTA (American Sign Language Teacher Association) member in order to join ASL Honor Society and also pay ASLHS dues as well. Members pay dues at https://aslta.org/membership/. You can either pay by mail or online. Membership starts from Sept. 1st to Aug. 31st. If you have any questions, contact aslhs@aslta.org
Question: How do I pay my membership fees?
You will need to become an ASLTA member in order to join ASL Honor Society. There are two methods of payment. 1. Fill out the form and mail it to ASLTA or 2. Pay online at . Here is the video instruction on how to pay your membership fees.
Question: I paid my membership, now what?
Start your chapter. Create membership forms to hand out to your new members. Here are some examples
Create recruitment flyers and put it up on the wall throughout the building or post on your courses in Canvas or other learning management system your school adopted
Have a first introduction meeting, set expectations, review what services ASL Honor Society offer and how they earn their graduation cord/medals.
Question: How do I offer Community Service Hours since we are not allowed to have an event more than 10 students/people.
Again, it's up to teacher's discretion on how you provide community service hours. Here are some ideas you can offer your students community service hours:
Research on a topic
Virtual event (silent coffee virtual chat, Virtual Game gathering, etc.)
Virtual meet up with Deaf individuals & socialize
Sign a book to a group of Deaf children (Deaf school, Deaf & Hard of Hearing program) virtually
Sign a Christmas song and send it to Deaf senior citizens
And so much more....
Question: When do I need to submit competition work, grad orders, grant applications, etc?
We attach our ASL Honor Society timeline on our website every year. Here is the link with deadlines for our services we offer
Question: Who do I contact regarding Scholarship, Membership, etc?
It can be a little confusing on who to contact who. Each person on the ASL Honor Society board has a role yet anyone can still help you. Please contact the specific person if you have a specific question (ie. question about membership, please contact our membership coordinator). Here's the link on our webpage to check out who's on the board team.
If you have any additional questions, please contact aslhs.pr@aslta.org.
Thank you,
American Sign Language Honor Society